White Glow Products

White Glow Products

WHITE GLOW formulate a beauty products that can rejuvenate, and improve the skin and enhance our customer’s looks, as well as improve the overall lifestyles of our customers by helping them look beautiful and regaining their confidence everyday.

WHITE GLOW PRODUCTS “Your beauty and relief” a cosmetic manufacturer and we produce safe and effective products like beauty bar soap, hand and body lotion, facial toner, and hand sanitizer located here in Davao City since 2016.

White Glow Products makes purposeful and beneficial products to enhance their skin appearance and look beautiful everyday. Everyone’s may opinionated about the products but we make sure that we are decisive and goal-oriented to follow the Good manufacturing practice of FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of its products. We are assertive and competitive to develop quality products. WHITE GLOW PRODUCTS is HALAL certified and FDA certified with the LTO number 3000007636588. White Glow Products has 5 products and this are White Glow Soap 130grams, White Glow Facial Toner 100ml, White Glow Lotion 100/200ml, White Glow Facial Day Cream 50grams, White Glow Facial Night Cream 50 grams and Hand Sanitizer Gel 50grams. We offer a wide array of products to provide a complete skin care solution. Get Moisturize, lighter and smoother skin with White Glow.

Our team of accomplished  cosmetic experts is committed to consistently enhancing our offerings and expanding the realm of cosmetic formulation. We firmly believe in openness and honesty, and we are dedicated to upholding the strictest legal requirements and standard operating procedures.



To become the top skincare brand in the country, known for our dedication to effective, natural, and sustainable skincare products, as well as for our positive effects on both the environment and the lives of people.


To give our clients skincare products that enhance their natural beauty and boost their general well-being that are secure, efficient, and inexpensive.

White Glow Products